Top Earners & The Secrets of the 1%

iStock_000013340865XSmall-300x225Top earners in business are often pitted into a competition

The top earners vs. everyone else.

Why aren’t all people in business among the 1%?

Here are a few facts to consider:

  • More than 80% of self made millionaires in the US own their own business
  • Less than 10% of your target market is in the market to buy at any given time
  • 99% of individuals never follow-up on an initial contact with a prospect
  • It takes on average 8.4 touches to close a sale

Put these 4 facts together and there is a pretty clear picture of how you can join the top 1% of earners in America.

  1. Start, grow and build your own business. (There is help available all around you-it is up to you to take ACTION.)
  2. Build a robust, targeted list of prospects that want and need what you have to offer. Today’s top earners know to sell to the % of those in their market who WANT to buy.
  3. Follow-up consistently. This will immediately differentiate you from 99% of business owners out there and put you among the ranks with top earners.
  4. Take your ideal prospects through a minimum of 8-10 high quality touches focused on serving and making a difference for them. (Automate this process to assure every prospect gets these benefits.)

Follow these steps and not only will you achieve your lifestyle and business goals, but you will separate yourself from 99% of business owners AND join the top 1% of earners in the US.

Focus on what is in your control and commit yourself to moving forward towards your goals and dreams every day.  If it seems like a mirage in the distance, just remember everyone has to start somewhere.  You don’t have to be good to start, but you have to start to be good. (unknown)

If you are stuck with where to start, read my recent blog post about How to Launch a Second Stream of Income in 30 Days or Less. This article outlines a step-by-step process you can follow to get started right away.

What can you do today to move in the direction of your dreams?

Remember, you don’t have to go at it alone. Check out all the programs available at and if you haven’t scheduled your complimentary strategy session, take advantage of this opportunity today!