Recession Proofing Your Business So You Can THRIVE During The Downturn

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”USR 453: Recession Proofing Your Business So You Can THRIVE During The Downturn” ]


Did you hear?

The rumors are everywhere of a down turn in the economy. We don’t know when but it could happen very soon. Instead of running into a state of PANIC, it’s time to start planning and preparing for how your business is going to stay afloat when everything comes crashing.


You want to be the business owner that is going to capitalize on this shift rather then someone scrambling to make ends meet. Some of the greatest transfer of wealth in all of history have happened during a downturn. That’s why for smart entrepreneurs this nothing to be fearful of. It’s something you should prepare for because it could be one of the greatest things to happen for you and the business



In today’s episode I am going to walk you through what I did during the last financial downturn and how I was able to still break records in my company. Going through a downward phase in anything requires some innovation and thinking outside of the box when it comes to sales and marketing.


I am going to share with you few strategies you can use right away that will set you up for success no matter which way the market goes.


Remember…be bold and be brave. This is the time to really start thinking about the future. Don’t be afraid to ask for more or invest a little bit more to get a bigger return. What goes down, must come back up. Your business is only going to scale even more when the dust settles!


(6:16) “Keep your fixed expenses low while increasing your flexible ones”


(11:34) “What you need to ask yourself is what is your market landscape going to look like when these changes happen and what product or service would it actually makes sense for you to sell?”


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