How To Catapult From 6 Figure Years To 6 Figure Days

USR 465: How To Catapult From 6 Figure Years To 6 Figure Days

We need to talk about a very real thing in entrepreneurship: burn out.

I know the word gets tossed around often, but if any aspect of your business is sucking your energy, it’s a conversation worth having. More on that in a sec….

I know the word gets tossed around often, but if any aspect of your business is sucking your energy, it’s a conversation worth having. More on that in a sec….

Let’s talk simplicity.

Every year, I set a one word intention for myself. If you’ve been tuning in since at least January of this year, you probably heard that my word for 2019 is SIMPLICITY.

Setting this intention meant changing a lot of things in my business, and one of those was how we approached program launches. Frankly, my team and I were tired, burnt out, and “over it” when it came to techy funnels, digital walls between us and our prospects (emails, pre-recorded videos – it didn’t feel engaging) and we needed to do something different.

Can you relate? Do launches make you feel burnt out?

This is how we came up with LIVE Launch Method and how we started doing Profit Lab. We are hosting our next Profit Lab  THIS WEEK starting Wednesday, April 24th. It’s all day event with videos going up throughout the day!

Head over to the Tribe of Unstoppables, fill out the entry questions and make a note that you want to join us in the Profit Lab. I will be going over step by step how to set up your own challenge and execute the LIVE Launch Method.

This system is going to sell your services from one to many without headaches and roadblocks. Time and time again this method has worked for myself and my current clients. So what are you waiting for? Do not  settle for less than what you deserve.

Head over to the Tribe of Unstoppables NOW to get in for Profit Lab THIS WEEK APRIL 24TH!

Connect with Kelly:

**I have open slots for FREE 30 minute strategy sessions on my calendar for business owners who are looking to take their business online and optimize their results. Interested? Apply at **

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