Transforming Dreams from Possible to Probable to Inevitable

[smart_track_player url=”″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 271 Dreams Calendar mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]


When you think about a person who has clarity, drive, success, and motivation– who do you think of?


Are they the CEO of a large company, a big time podcast star, or a celebrity in their niche? Either way, they are probably KILLING the game when it comes to business. They are making big moves that are all in line with their big goal.


So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to make that YOURSELF that person. When we think about how to get our business to really take off, there are so many things we could go over. Today we are going to focus on just one part of the puzzle: your calendar!



That’s right, it’s time to take something so simple as calendar blocking and use it to your advantage in business. It’s all about the time audit today, and by creating 10 core blocks in your week your calendar will start to work for you, not against you.


When it comes to how to break up these 10 blocks here are some things to think about:

  • Reflect on your vision board. Look to see what those 10 blocks should be based on what your big goals are. All these goals and dreams will be on your vision board so use it as a reference to creating these recurring blocks
  • Make 7-10 of these blocks correlate with putting money directly in your pocket. This will allow your business to continue to go and move forward. These little goals will help achieve your big goal
  • Determine how many hours and how often do you need to do these blocks in order to get your goals accomplished. You need to find the perfect mix of both but also don’t over work yourself. Find the right amount of hours that work for you and your dreams


Remember that you can take charge of the hours you want to work. If you don’t want to work of Friday’s, then stick to your time blocks and work the extra hours Monday-Thursday so you are set for the weekend. You just need to focus on what you want, and watch your business and your calendar expand.


At the end of the day, where your time goes your energy will flow. Have the discipline to focus on your calendar blocks and become…Unstoppable!


Mentioned in this episode:

Why Vision Board? EP 243-

Calculate The Cost Of Your Dream Life Then Create It EP 187:


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