Simplifying Your Way To 2018 Success

[smart_track_player url=”″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 291 Success 2018 mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]


2018 is basically here, which means we need to get hyper focused– meeting revenue goals, getting courses and coaches to fill in the gaps, and editing personal schedules to become MORE productive.


Personal productivity is the one thing that stands in the way of entrepreneurs reaching their financial goals. Days become over-complicated with a list of objectives that are just simply unproductive.


The question we need ask ourselves when we look at the calendar is: does this directly add to the lifestyle I’m trying to create and the income I’m trying to achieve?



(3:44) “What is going to be the top big rocks, that are core recurring things on your calendar, every single week. That are tangibility and effectively moving you toward your goal. In a way you can visually see there is a direct correlation in time in and results out.”


(7:26) “The best thing you can do for yourself at this point this time of year is simplify, go back through, do some weeding. Try to challenge yourself to get rid of a third of the projects and initiatives and tasks you are doing each week. Get the right person doing the right things”


(13:28) “I want in encourage each and everyone of you, that if you have been feeling overwhelmed, if you have been feeling like your energy is being dispersed or diluted and you have too much on your plate–it’s because there is!”


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