Reversing Negative Programing Around Risk

[smart_track_player url=”″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 306 Reversing Negativity mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]

We grew up in a complicated world where we were told failure was not an option.


Whatever we learned in school, we would just memorize it and then regurgitate it back out on paper. If we failed to do that? We were hit with that terrorizing letter “F”.


In today’s episode I want to reverse the negative mindset we have around taking risks and possibly failing. What we need to do is look at risk as a chance for teachable moments — it’s just as important to know what doesn’t work as well as what does. Knowledge of both will help you to move forward in achieving your goals.



(3:18) “There is a reason why we have this aversion to risk. It’s because we grew up in a certain in a society where we take a test and we are expected to regurgitate back a specific set of information and if we don’t do that in the exact form or in the right composition….that we fail.”


(6:24) “You’ve be taught for many many many years of your life how bad it was to do so [fail]. It’s natural for all us to not want to fail and that feeling of not wanting to fail is our protection is our coping mechanism. It’s natural and you have been programed that way”


(9:08) “For me, I have learned over and over again that it is only through exposing yourself to risk that you can truly make those big leaps forward. It’s only in trying something big and really going for it that you are going to accomplish greatness.”


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