Re-Discovering Your ‘Why’ with Jeff Leisawitz

[smart_track_player url=”″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 313 Jeff Leisawitz mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]


“Infuse and ignite the creativity in your business.”


It’s the first step in any business when starting out: honing in on that one in a million business idea that will make an impact.


Sometimes, however, the more we look at that idea or product we tend to get stuck in a cycle of self doubt.


In this episode we are talking to musician, producer, author and critically acclaimed filmmaker Jeff Leisawitz on how rediscover your WHY.



(5:35) “I believe it’s stepping back. It’s so easy to get sucked into the million things you have to do and all the problems and challenges and things like this. We sort of step into the forest so you can’t see the trees. So by stepping back in various ways and getting a different perspective on what you are doing, certainly it can help”–Jeff Leisawitz


(9:04) “Playing to the most people is not always your best option. Right? Maybe it’s a better service to the customers you already have, maybe it’s a better product that’s more specifie. I don’t know. Just consider that bigger is not always better. –Jeff Leisawitz


(17:00) “It centers your power and the world is gonna react to what it does but you are stepping forward. It’s like, when people say my boss never gives me a raise. Ok, but that is externalizing your power. Your boss isn’t giving you the raise ok? Well that has nothing to do with it. What you need to think about is what you can do to get the raise!”–Jeff Leisawitz


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