The Number One Priority Of Every Entrepreneur In 2018

[smart_track_player url=”″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 330 2018 Priotrities _mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]


By a show of hands, who has made their new year’s resolutions list? How about for your business?


Building your audience should be at the very top. Trends and automation change often, which means you’ve got to create a group of raving fans that you can fall back on regardless of technology shifts.


How can you grow an audience of people who know you, like you, trust you, and will buy from you when given the opportunity? Today’s episode will serve as your crash course.



(1:46) “The one key thing that i want to make sure you prioritize in the new year is building your audience. Far too many times we get too distracted on things are internal facing vs external facing… we need to be front stage, directly interacting with our market and our potential customers. The further we get from them, the harder it becomes to survive.”


(3:25) “‘Agile’ is an important keyword to be thinking about in the way that you are framing up your business in 2018. In fact, I think I have mentioned this a few times over the course of last year’s episodes, but many large corporations are hiring consultants and bringing in outside expert to become agile like a small business owner.”


(8:47) “You get that one comment on a social media post that you did… value that. It is that one comment, that one engaged person that will tell another person, that will tell another person. That will ultimately become your best paying client.”


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