Kelly Roach on Small Business Drivers Podcast Discusses Taking Consistent Action Toward Big Dreams

Small-Business-DriversI recently had the pleasure of being interviewed on Small Business Drivers Podcast with Nicky Roche.

Today I am going to share a brief preview of our conversation but if want to get the full scoop you’ll need to listen on: iTunes,  Stitcher , or

Time Management

Time Is MoneyThis is one of the major parts of my interview of Small Business Drivers. The majority of entrepreneurs spend more than 80% of their time on activities that do not impact their bottom line and it is because of this that they end up spending hours and hours beyond what is actually required to achieve their goals and many of them are still struggling.

Many of my clients come to me to learn time management because they know what a significant impact it has on their bottom line. Hear the rest on iTunes,  Stitcher , or

Work Life Balance

Beauty Girl Outdoors enjoying nature. Beautiful Teenage Model giMost entrepreneurs live in “struggle, overwhelm and busy” instead of living in “hard work, intention and productive action.”

One of the most rewarding experiences I have had as a coach was helping one of my clients get more time with his family by reducing his working hours – without sacrificing the bottom line.  Hear the rest on iTunes,  Stitcher , or


You don’t meet your highest potential until the last day that you have been on the earth…Everyone has this magical, unlimited, human potential that we all have to tap into.

Finding a Coach or Mentor

An athlete does not wait until they reach the NBA or the Olympics to get a coach. They need someone who is going to help them get there. So why do business owners think they have to achieve a certain level of success before they can get a coach?  I discuss this in even greater detail in my book, Unstoppable! 

Entrepreneur Hacks

I use a white board every day. Nothing can replace the power of visual clarity.

Simplicity is powerful! Don’t overcomplicate your business.  This was one of my favorite portions of my interview on Small Business Drivers!

Million Dollar Mindset

Everyday you have to ask yourself: What would the business owner of a million dollar business do right now?  Act and think and do things in line with your vision. Make your decisions from where you want to be (not where you’re at).Hear the rest on iTunes,  Stitcher , or

If you enjoyed this article and want to hear more listen to the entire interview on iTunes,  Stitcher , or

If you would like to learn more about the strategies I teach and how Time Management, Work Life Balance, finding the right coach, Mindset (and more) are impacting your bottom line and how you can start leveraging them for success contact my team at to set up a complimentary consultation or apply here: