Upcoming Trends In Online Marketing

USR 467: Upcoming Trends In Online Marketing

By definition, a trend is something that is changing or developing.

Everything in the online space is constantly changing. From what platform to focus on or how to generate leads, it all can change with a blink of an eye.

This is why I wanted to take some time today and go over three trends that are happening right  now in online marketing. Keep in mind when you are listening to this episode that just because something isn’t a hot, it doesn’t mean it can’t come back. Still work the platforms that are working for you but EXPAND.

Use the time right now to see what else is out there! Explore new platforms and strategies. You never know what is going to hit the bullseye. This summer my team are doing just that.  We will be experimenting new and different ways to launch programs, exploring new ways to share our content, and discovering new platforms we can generate leads from.

This is what you have to do as business owner. Nothing lasts forever. For example email lists! A few years ago people would have KILLED for email lists. Now? The main communication is all through social media. More and more people are saying no to emails and more to messaging on social media platforms.  

I hope this episode gets your brain turning and you start to think about how you can take what your doing now and expand it! How can move your content to other platforms? What are your next big breakthrough is going to be?!?

Make sure you drop a note in the Tribe of Unstoppables or tag me on Instagram @kellyroachofficial about your thoughts on the episode!

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**I have open slots for FREE 30 minute strategy sessions on my calendar for business owners who are looking to take their business online and optimize their results. Interested? Apply at www.kellyroachcoaching.com/start **

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