Donald Kelly on Busting through Limiting Beliefs to Make More Sales

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Have you ever said, “I’m just not a natural salesperson”? If so, Donald Kelly is the man you need to know.

“You cannot sit behind a computer all day and expect to make money.” — Donald Kelly



Donald believes anyone can be a profitable and effective salesperson if they have the mindset and desire. Donald has evangelized the message of effective selling to those who need it most – struggling business owners, sales teams, sales managers, and more. He hosts a podcast called The Sales Evangelist teaching people around the world to break their limiting beliefs and become majorly successful.



A few things that you will learn from Donald in this episode…

  • Exactly why it’s NOT true that “business owners don’t need to sell,” or “you can’t sell without being pushy,” or any other fear statement you may have heard (or said!)
  • Donald’s top strategies for getting over the fear of selling yourSELF as the business owner
  • Top mistakes that “established” salespeople make and how to avoid them


AND Donald’s “step 1” recommendations for everyone from the ‘wantrepreneurs’ to the seasoned sales managers to increase their growth and confidence.


Donald’s mission is to help make sales feel natural, easy, and less like a mountain to be conquered. If you’re guilty of limiting beliefs around sales, this episode is for you.


Connect with Donald:

Free video training: How to Double the Amount of Referrals You’re Getting –

Twitter: @DonaldCKelly


Connect with Kelly:


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