Christina Nicholson on Gaining Mass Media Exposure

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Lights, Camera, ACTION! We all would kill to have that exposure on national television. It would be life changing, right?! So we brought in an expert.


Meet Christina Nicholson, former TV and news reporter turned entrepreneur. She helps small business owners land features on national television. Television is great exposure, but if you don’t position yourself the right way things could get difficult to maintain. You always have to be thinking, how can I help their audience? What problem do I solve, or how can I help? If you insert yourself into the conversation, it makes pitching that much easier.



Cristina has been on both sides and knows what to look for when people start to pitch their service or product:

  • Know what your end goal is. Your reason to get on television should not just be for media expose, but for something bigger. Know what the audience wants and then cater to that need.
  • Think about what you are going to pitch. Getting free media is worth so much more than getting an advertisement, so think carefully about how you want to frame your message.
  • Sometimes it’s quality over quantity. When you personalize the message it can give you a leg up in your pitch. It shows them that your carefully crafted your message and didn’t send the same thing to 100 other people.


Christina’s best tip? When you are pitching a big media appearance, it helps to be yourself. Don’t change to fit someone else’s idea. Go in with no regrets and show them who YOU are as a business owner.


Mentioned in this episode:

Want to get Christina’s e-book…for FREE? Head over to and get her e-book, Master Your Media Relations


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