The Best Online Business Training

The Best Online Business Training

Finding the right online business training isn’t an easy task. There are so many different options, it can feel overwhelming. For the best online business training, look no further than Kelly Roach Coaching!

Today I have prepared for you an encore presentation that details how to unravel the online marketing maze and make real money online. This is a BIG topic and there is a lot to it – but if you’re looking to unravel the online marketing maze for yourself, I’ve simplified everything for you.

You have to start somewhere! Doable steps to take your business online

I remember a few years ago when I began growing my business online and it sounded, felt, and looked like a completely different language – I felt confused and left wondering if I would ever get to the point where I would be able to say, “that really worked for me.”

In this episode, I will walk you through EXACTLY how to get started taking your business online with doable steps that won’t add hours to your already busy schedule.

We’ll clarify what it means to build a list, how to identify what your brand actually is, and how to create resources for your target market that perfectly compliment their needs and what you do.

Some of the things we’ll be covering today include clarifying your brand, what you need to do vs. what isn’t necessary in your “funnel,” and how to naturally funnel all of your opt-ins to a conversion event with you.

Required: a willingness to put the pieces in place

Not Required: a fancy sales page, the most expensive email marketing software or an existing list – among other things you may have been led to believe are mandatory.

the best online business training

9 of the best online business training tips to increase your visibility online

  1.      Create irresistible offer

First, you must create a free irresistible offer. The topic of your offer must be relevant to your brand, timely, and urgent for your target market. Your offer needs to be super specific so that you are reaching your ideal client and not building a list outside your target market. You need to figure out from the start what your end goal will be with your client and what offer you want to sell to them. Create an ad that sells your free offer and puts them onto your email list.

  1.      Design and brand your offer

Make your offer show ready, clean, and crisp. Your presentation will brand your company. Make sure it is visually appealing as well.

Looking for the best online business training on how to build you brand? Check out this blog!

  1.      Create a landing page

Create a simple and clean page where there is a powerful headline, 3 bullet points, and a place to enter your email list. This will allow them to opt in to your free offer and join your email list. We use and have used both LeadPages and ClickFunnels, which are easy template-based landing page builders that are simple to use – even if you don’t consider yourself a tech wizard.

  1.      Create a thank you page

A thank you page can serve many purposes. It is a great place to upsell a small offer, invite your client to like your Facebook page, or create a small survey. Direct your thank you page towards what you feel will be most valuable in your business.

  1.      Host the resource

The resource we use to host our resource is EZS3. Host your resource in a place where it is ready to go.

  1.      Connect leadpages to an email management system

This is the only way that people who are opting in will actually make it to your email list. There are a million different resources to use to connect your leadpages (or whatever resource you are using) to an email management system. Choose whatever fits your budget and list size.

  1.      Auto responder series

Step 1: After a client opts in, send them a congratulations email for opting in and then sell the value of what they are going to get. This will ensure that they will actually consume what they just opted in for.

Step 2: Your next email will be a surprise value ad. It should be an email that corresponds to the last offer; ‘if you’re interested in this you may be interested in that.’

Step 3: Send another value resource to your client. Point out the value in how to use this resource. Show them that you have the best online business training resources for them to use.

Step 4: Invite the client to engage and attend a conversion event.

  1.      Let your prospects and list enter the sales cycle

Send a different email cycle series that coincides with whatever conversion event they attended. This might look like a follow up series to your webinar, an invite to schedule a call with you where you will talk about your services/product with them and a recap of your Facebook Live, etc. Remember: the goal of your auto responder series is to deliver over the top amazing value so even if they do not buy right away, use it as a way to stay connected.”

  1.  List build and automate

Decide how you want to advertise your free offer. You may need to hire someone to run Facebook ads. Test variations of images and copy and test your ads.


Recap on 9 of the best online business training tips:

Run an ad for your free offer that sends people to the landing page, where they get another chance to engage with you through an invite or survey on your follow up page. Once they are in your email list, warm them up with value-add autoresponders before inviting them to a conversion event, then follow up with another batch of autoresponders to move them through the buying cycle.


Want to learn more about the best online business training? Visit to learn more.

Check out my podcast Episode 169 to learn more!


Connect with Kelly:

Reach out to my team with general inquiries, requests for strategy sessions, and overall support by emailing [email protected]

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