What’s Inside “The Secret To Closing More 7-Figure Clients” (Part 2 of 2)

As you may have seen yesterday, I outlined some of the major benefits you receive when you claim our brand-new “Secret To Closing More 7-Figure Clients” program, the first-of-its-kind to transcend what you’ve learned through sales training thus far.

Since the doors open Friday, I want to get into the content of the class in terms of some of the outcomes – the tools, techniques, and nuts-and-bolts “how-to” you’ll gain.

But First, Let’s Address Some Of The Skepticism That’s Out There
(Especially If You’re Nowhere Near This Level Of Closing Deals)

If right now, closing a $2,000 deal is a game-changer for you, then the idea of closing high ticket deals worth $100,000, $200,000 or even $1 million or more may seem like some pie-in-the-sky fantasy. I totally get it.

Let’s take a quick look at your current situation.

financial-worry-entrepreneurAre you…
  • Racing to close tiny little deals and taking on projects you don’t really want, just to make minimum payment on your credit cards?
  • Hustling clients to pay invoices faster (even offering MORE discounts for fast payment) just to avoid overdraft fees?
  • Checking your business checking account each day to ensure it still has a positive balance?
  • Holding off on taking paychecks for yourself until you know there’s enough cash to cover your business for the next three days?

How does that make you feel?

I’ve found that folks in that situation usually gross less than $10,000 per month in their business, total. So, obviously, let’s forget about $100,000 deals for a second.

Just ask yourself this:

What would happen if you were to take the exact step-by-step sales closing formula I am showing you today, and close ONE deal, worth $20,000 right away?

Would that buy you some time?

Could you take a pass on that client and project you don’t really want, knowing you now have breathing room to go out and close another $20,000 deal with a client you DO want?

Can you already feel your mental energy changing, your energy increasing, that weight on your shoulders lifting, just imagining to yourself what that would feel like?

One Of The Biggest Inhibitors To Sales Success Is Simply Knowing
What To Say And What Questions You Need To Ask

closed-dealWe solve this for you inside The Secret To Closing More 7-Figure Clients.

During the 90-minute audio recording (complete with transcript) you’ll hear me explain the “6 keys” in detail.

I will take you by the hand and give you the guided tour of the entire selling process, start to finish…

…from identifying the right prospects, all the way to what you need to do after the prospect says “yes” in order to actually get the deal closed, and the check cut.

When you follow this formula, you will use a strategic, easy-to-remember sequence of questions that persuade your prospect to explain to you exactly how to get their money.

Does that sound great, or does that sound GREAT?!

In less time than it takes you to type out yet another proposal, for yet another tiny little deal, that the client insists you e-mail to them so they can tear it to shreds, you will gain the specific blueprint that will probably result in you never having to type a “proposal” ever again (except to confirm details of what the client already committed to paying $200,000 for).

Not Only Are You Getting The Complete
Process, I Am Also Handing You The
Tools You Need To Succeed


Included as “fast action” bonuses inside The Secret To Closing More 7-Figure Clients, you will receive:
  • Effective Questioning During the Sales Process – this shows you what questions to ask at each stage of the sales process
  • Template for Qualifying Prospects for Your Database – includes samples of questions which have been used to qualify prospects
  • Open Ended Questions for Sales – by asking these questions about your prospect’s current situation, you will literally get your competition to do the selling for you
  • The Ultimate Sales Success Blueprint – this step by step guide will show you exactly how to train and manage your sales team for predictable, sustainable long term sales success
  • Daily Results Planner – this worksheet will assist you in planning your time and executing weekly sales metrics so you spend your time doing the right things
  • The Fortune is in the Follow Up: 21 Ways to Follow Up Without Being Repetitive, Boring or Salesy – this is a list of 21 ways to follow up besides the traditional telephone call or mail. Pick from these as you develop the “16 touch” system I share inside the course.
  • Metrics Worksheet – each company’s and individual’s goals and activities will vary depending on your goals and business type. This is a great trigger to use directly or to start creating your own growth model.
  • The 6 Pillars of Qualifying Prospects – this gets you crystal clear about who belongs on your database, and ruthless in ensuring those who don’t belong never make it in
  • Traditional Sales 101: The Basics of Local, Business to Business Sales – contains the basics of local, business to business sales including how to shrink the sales cycle, break into a higher price point and be everywhere to your audience.
  • Marketing Assistant Job Description – use this as a guide to create your own marketing assistant job description to find the ideal candidate for the position
  • Sales Quick Start Guide  – your guide to getting your clients to spend more, stay longer and refer more high paying clients

Most of all, in less than 90 minutes you will come away with

An Exact Formula To Dramatically Increase Your Sales, Revenues and Profits
(In Just 90 Days Or Less)

SecretToClosing300-wkeyWhen you’re able to see progress early-on, you’re that much more likely to stick with something.

I want to see you motivated to make the changes needed to have the business you’ve worked so hard to achieve – without having to work so hard anymore.

When you finish this program (it’s just 90 minutes), you will have an action plan you can implement TODAY, and start seeing results from TOMORROW when you do just two things:

  • Optimize your database of 100-150 prospects, using the formula I give you and the “6 Pillars of Qualifying Prospects”
  • Design the “16 touches” to close deals, using the formula along with the “Fortune is in the Follow Up” guide

You can bang both of these out in just a few hours, enough so that you can be on your way to your next (or first) 5, 6, or 7-figure deal within the next few weeks or even days!

How Much More Success Will You Experience
With This New, Proven Sales Closing System?

As I’m sharing all the ways this program will really benefit you, I just want to say, I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s important that only happens in a way that feels good and right for you, because you can imagine benefiting from this for all your own reasons.

So please, ask for anything that supports you in that, in the comments below.

If you prefer a private conversation, e-mail me at [email protected] (that’s MY e-mail address that I read!)

To Your Success and Freedom,




P.S. Once more, if you haven’t watched the “Time To Thrive” videos yet, take action now! Within seconds you can claim your access to all 3 “Time To Thrive” videos, on the spot!