Intermittent Technology Cleansing For Performance Improvement

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“Distraction is the ultimate dream killer”


Think back to what you did today. Was part of that day spent looking at a screen?


I think most of us would answer a big YES. We are all guilty of it. We look at screens for so many things; business, checking emails, looking at family pictures on Facebook… but how productive are we when we look at the bright screen?



If we are always looking down it can be hard to appreciate the things we have right in front of you. Let yourself slow down enough to think clearly and see the bigger picture. See your life and business from a fresh set of eyes and solve the problems in front of you instead of making new ones.


It’s time to take your life back!


I have a challenge for you this week: Take time and go to the park, go to a coffee shop or look out onto the water. Find a place that is technology-free and do some work there. Bring a notebook and pen (yes, I said it a notebook and pen) and do business without technology getting in the way. You can be more productive when you become one with nature and allow your brain to solve problems without a screen in the way.


I’d love to hear how this went for you — email me at [email protected] or reach out to me on my Facebook page:


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