Get Relevant and Stay Relevant for Long Term Success

11050124_733854950060908_6048643850347821818_n-300x200You would be surprised at the simple ways that most small business owners and entrepreneurs miss the mark relevant on when it comes to staying relevant with your customers and prospects.

Businesses are always looking for ways to continue to thrive in the New Economy. It is easy to be swept away by the allure of “quick fixes,” that promise speedy short-term gains. But there is no substitution for taking intentional daily action if you want to create a lasting impact and ongoing results in your business.

Integrate these 5 things as a part of what you and your company embody on a daily basis and you will be set up to not only survive, but thrive in any economy!

  1. Solve a problem/fill a need. What is your ideal customer always struggling with? What challenges do they face? What are their fears and frustrations? How does your business need to evolve it’s offerings as your client’s needs change?
  2. Know and love your ideal customer. Study their pain points and proactively look for ways to better serve them. Invest in really getting to know their psychology, how they make decisions and what matters most to them.
  3. Lift others up. If what you do is ultimately good and helps others be more successful, happy, healthy or wealthy, chances are you will make it over the long haul. Being generous helps you to stay relevant with those watching your success story.
  4. Innovate and Evolve. Just because you have always done it that way is not a reason to keep doing it. Be a problem solver. Be ruthlessly committed to finding ways to run your business in a better, more efficient, more profitable way. This includes employee management, business structure, processes, products, and services.
  5. Know what business you are in. As a business owner, if you rely on your business as your primary source of income or you would like it to become your primary source of income, you are a salesperson and marketer. Overlooking this critical responsibility puts your business at risk for extinction. Whether you’re managing hundreds of people and they are doing the selling or you are the sales person, this rule applies.

Using these strategies will help you to get and stay relevant with your customers.

Which of these concepts could you stand to improve to stay relevant? Can you integrate any of these more fully to get better results in your business?

We would love to hear how these strategies are working for you. Email your success stories to

For more business-building strategies right at your fingertips, check out my podcast, Unstoppable Success Radio!