
Build Your Brand Through Strategic Networking with Matt Holmes

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Matt “Handshakin” Holmes is an entrepreneur, speaker, author, and world record holder. He is Founder of the Handshakin Video Series: featuring top entrepreneurs on networking and personal branding strategies.

Matt is here today to share his insights on how networking strategically can take your personal brand to the next level. This episode is JAM PACKED with useful content – don’t miss out on this learning opportunity!

Matt is passionate about helping entrepreneurs to learn to network better. Could he be of service to you?

After interviewing venture capitalists, members of Congress, and billionaires, Matt has been on numerous podcasts sharing tips on strategically making connections and relationship building. Today, he helps aspiring entrepreneurs implement networking and personal branding strategies.




You will learn:

  • Baseline tips & strategies to take action on that will immediately raise your brand presence and raise credibility online
  • Steps to get started adding value to build relationships with key people
  • The keys to making the right connections
  • Tips to incorporating video into your business as a key strategy
  • Most successful forms of networking


Connect with Matt:

Visit to learn more about Matt’s service designed to help entrepreneurs and freelancers network better by improving their brand, build a personal website, and create blogposts for clients.

Visit to receive Matt’s FREE short e-book titled, “6 networking strategies for entrepreneurs”

Snapchat: @handshakin


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