Become an

Inevitable Millionaire

Expert guidance, support and mentorship as you build your 1% life.

Become an

Inevitable Millionaire

Expert guidance, support and mentorship as you build your 1% life.

Everyone wants to be happy, wealthy, healthy, and free. But very few achieve all of the above.

That’s why it’s called the 1%.

The problem is…

How can you possibly learn to stop resenting that percentage of the population and JOIN THEM…if you don’t have ACCESS to them?

There is a coach, manifestation teacher, personal development guru – you name it – an Instagram follow away. BUT…if they are broke, burnt out, not living what they teach…you have the BLIND leading the BLIND.

Gaining access to million and multi-million dollar earners, livers, and givers is damn near impossible….

…but –you can’t become an inevitable millionaire without an inner circle of people who have similar goals, aspirations, and ambitions.

So, for the first time ever…I’m inviting you into MINE.

On your way up, it can feel impossible to get the inside scoop on how the world’s wealthiest people earn, live and connect. Because it is.

It took me a LOT of tough lessons in the school of hard knocks to finally understand these pieces of the puzzle:

  • WHO I needed in my circle
  • WHAT I needed to be focusing and taking action on
  • HOW to make it happen

After a decade of building a multi-million dollar empire and teaching thousands of entrepreneurs how to do the same…I am pulling the curtain back and revealing the SECRETS behind EVERY millionaire and billionaire on the PLANET…making 1% life hacks (that weren’t accessible to me on my growth journey) accessible to 99% of the population.

Hear from real people whose lives have changed tremendously under Kelly’s mentorship:

“I started with Kelly when I decided to start a coaching business. I knew the price was High, but I also knew that if I signed a contract, I would have to perform. Within my first month, I made $18,000.. Here I am 3 years later and I have a full blown company with 5 employees. As wonderful as that sounds, that isn’t even where Kelly helped me the most.

My husband was terminal, became very sick and passed away in July of 2021. I could not hold my company together during this time. Kelly personally instructed her team to step into my business to give me the support I needed. They literally taught my workshops and showed up for my clients for 8 weeks! I was able to detach, mourn the loss of my husband and come back to a healthy business.

So not only has Kelly helped me start, structure and build my online business, but her team is the reason I still have a company after the hardest 18 months of my life.”

– Evelyn Knight, CEO/ Founder of
Child Care Business Professionals

The Inevitable Millionaire is your “secret sauce” – regardless of your career, background, or location – to achieve 1% wealth, freedom, success and happiness in all areas of life. This is NOT a traditional program. It’s an exclusive mentorship that will fast-track your journey and cut years off your success timeline.

There’s a reason these cliches exist.

You can’t possibly get where you WANT to go – if you don’t:

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Uplevel your circle of influence

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Turn your “hopes and dreams” into consistent, daily ACTIONS

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Invest in your growth and personal development

Imagine this:

  • Every week, you pull up a chair and grab your drink of choice: a chilled glass of sauvignon blanc, or a hot cup of tea. You’re ready for another week of virtual ‘fireside’ chats with myself and some of my most revered colleagues, friends, and trusted advisors who are giving you the fast track to a 1% lifestyle.
  • “Can I really afford that?” is no longer a question. Paycheck to paycheck is a thing of the past, you’ve got a hefty emergency fund set aside, and between the investments you’ve made and the career (or business) you’ve built – splurging on family vacations, your dream house by the water, or a new wardrobe is the norm.
  • That passion project you’ve been putting off for YEARS is now front and center.
    You’re making even more money doing what you love, while making a MASSIVE difference in the world. You are finally working with your dream organization or charity (or maybe started a foundation of your own) and are feeling more fulfilled, inspired, and enriched than ever before.
  • You’ve met some incredible people and have a stellar inner circle to confide in, learn from, and lean on. You’ve eliminated toxic, draining friendships and replaced them with positive, empowering, and high-achieving individuals who inspire you to be your best self every day.
  • You finally have freedom of DECISION: doing what you want, when you want, how you want. Whether it’s taking off work every Friday or booking a spontaneous trip to Europe next month. Because you can.
  • Your relationship is thriving. You’re spending less time at the office and more time experiencing life with your significant other. You’ve picked up new hobbies together, and rarely are your weekends spent checking work texts or catching up on overdue tasks.
  • You’re finally prioritizing your well-being. The exercise regimen, morning meditation and 8 hours of sleep that used to take a backseat when life got busy is now non-negotiable. You’re feeling healthier and more energized than ever before – and your routine is fueling you both physically and mentally.

This is your future.

But it doesn’t happen by luck, chance, or destiny.

It happens when you tap into the inner workings of a 1% mindset.
When you develop the habits of a 1% earner.
When you replace limiting beliefs with 1% actions.

This is your future.

But it doesn’t happen by luck, chance, or destiny.

It happens when you tap into the inner workings of a 1% mindset.
When you develop the habits of a 1% earner.
When you replace limiting beliefs with 1% actions.

Because here’s the deal:

most people’s belief systems are the reason why they aren’t where they want to be.

…And if you don’t know how to eliminate and replace them, you’ll never get to experience THE PEAK of human existence:

  • A life where you can afford to explore the world
  • A life where you can relocate your family to your dream city without worrying about money
  • A life where you can wake up every day and decide how you want to spend your time and energy – you own your schedule
  • A life where every relationship you have – with friends, family, colleagues, or spouse – inspires, uplifts, and energizes you
  • A life that is long and prosperous because you are taking care of yourself along the way


The Inevitable Millionaire is all about showing you HOW.


What most people think will lead to a wealthy, fulfilling and abundant life:

What actually gets them there:

About this mentorship

Inside The Inevitable Millionaire, we teach exactly what we live. Every single day.

In just one hour a week, you will open up the doors to living life on YOUR terms: achieving optimal wealth, health, happiness and fulfillment along the way.

Meet your mentor:


10 years ago, I started my business on the side of a highly demanding corporate job… with a huge dream and no clue how I was going to make it happen.

I didn’t have the connections. I didn’t have the “secret.” I didn’t have an inside track to get me there.

What I did know, was that I wanted to make a difference in the world. To do work that impacted people’s lives, families, and future generations.

Today, that side hustle has turned into a multiple 8-figure company (with a team of 30+) that is responsible for over 70 clients ACROSS THE GLOBE surpassing $1 million in revenue – and 2 surpassing 8-figures.

I also host a top marketing podcast, The Kelly Roach Show, and have authored 4 best-selling books.

Why am I telling you this?

Because it's entirely possible for YOU.

I didn’t come from money – I was on the free lunch program growing up and money arguments happened DAILY in my household (my dad worked for a nonprofit, and my mom was a stay at home mom to 5 kids).

I didn’t go to a big name college and get a fancy MBA – I graduated with my communications degree from West Chester University.

I was the youngest NFL cheerleader on my team in college, and I held multiple jobs since I was old enough to work – starting with cleaning my dance studio to pay for lessons there. Yes, we couldn’t afford lessons at one of the top competitive dance schools, so I made a deal with the owner.

I wasn’t handed what I wanted in life – I went out and worked HARD for it.

I started my first job at a Fortune 500 firm making $30K a year. But, I was committed to proving myself and becoming one of the top sales performers in my organization. I eventually earned 7 promotions in 8 years, became the youngest VP in the company, and managed hundreds of people across 17 locations, leading them to record-breaking sales (without a single layoff during the ’08 recession).

I have since been able to take my business full time, retire my husband to stay home with our daughter, and move to our dream home in Florida, start a charitable foundation (The Human Family Foundation) and partner with organizations from SoGal and Black Girls Code to Charity:Water and St. Jude’s.

I am also co-founder of The Courageous Brand, designed to instill courage, confidence leadership skills and entrepreneurial mindset in the next generation.

I didn’t get to be part of “the club” growing up. But YOU can.

Some recent client wins we’re celebrating:

“We bought a vacation home on Maui and another in Sedona, two energetically amazing places, so when we are really tired from all the effort it takes to continue to expand our businesses we have a place close by (Sedona) and a place a bit further away (Maui, HI) to go decompress and recharge without having to worry about booking hotels, brining a ton of stuff… this summer we will spend almost 2 months on Maui.”

– Jack & Michelle Bosch, Founders of Land Profit Generator

“Living in my dream community & dream home for this phase in life & waking up every day inspired by my surroundings.”

– Avis Jones-DeWeever, CEO of Media2MILLIONS &
Exceptional Black Woman Network

“Stepping more and more into who I was meant to be. Finding my inner beast mode that before I didn’t think I had. Finding my voice and having the courage to use it.”

– Melissa Ghrist Ricker, Owner, Founder, and Business Coach

“I treated my extended family to a vacation last summer. We stayed in a home that slept 27 comfortably ( it was a very big house) All of the kids said it was their favorite part of the summer. That filled my heart.”

– Ana Maria Raynes, Owner of Simplified Impact

- Ryan Spear, Founder and President at Spear Travel Group

- Amy Steffe Lohmann, Health Coach

- Sharon Heno

- Jessie Ginsburg

- Rachel Erickson

What our first month together looks like:

Month 1 we will be covering How to Live a REGRET FREE, 1% Life.

Session 1

  • Resetting life expectations post pandemic for optimal health, wealth, and happiness
  • How to get everything you want out of life, guaranteed.
  • Decisions that determine your destiny
  • 30 day action plan for total life alignment
  • Your big 3 for the first 30 days

Session 2

  • Fireside chat with Kelly – ask me anything about making your dream life a reality

Session 3

  • The Power of CHOICE: How to live a family first, financially free life
  • The daily practices that millionaires live by
  • Cutting expenses vs increasing skills
  • The top 3 musts to become a millionaire
  • Expansion vs contraction
  • Daily rituals
  • Money habits
  • Why family must come first in your 1% life plan
  • How to pick and monetize a new stream of income in 30 days or less
  • Funding your day dream

Session 4

  • Calculating the cost of your dream life and creating a plan to make it a reality

Hear from real people whose lives have changed tremendously under Kelly’s mentorship:

“Stepping more and more into who I was meant to be. Finding my inner beast mode that before I didn’t think I had. Finding my voice and having the courage to use it.”

– Melissa Ghrist Ricker, Owner, Founder, and Business Coach

“The power of choice lesson in our last meetup resonated with me a lot. Because of that reminder, I planned a Mother’s Day staycation with my daughter at a nice hotel in Providence. I normally would not have splurged on something like that but I remembered I have the power of choice and there is nothing holding me back from planning this memorable trip!”

– Jessica Rhodes, Founder of Interview Connections

“Having Kelly as my mentor for the past 5 years changed my life as I knew it. Every year under her guidance my mindset and the confidence I had towards myself grew in ways that couldn’t have without her. Forever grateful to have her in my life”

– Alisha Whaley

That story you’ve been telling yourself, about why it’s not possible for you? It’s time to close the book.



Who exactly is The Inevitable Millionaire for?


ANYONE looking to build wealth and live a happy and fulfilling lifestyle – we welcome professionals of all titles, from all industries, from across the globe. Whether you are a teacher, a nurse, a lawyer, a realtor, or a business owner – if you want to accelerate your career, diversify your wealth, and earn in the millions WITHOUT sacrificing your hobbies, health, relationships or family time – you will benefit from being part of our circle.


Is this a coaching program?


No! Think of The inevitable Millionaire as a multi-dimensional adventure. This mentorship combines strategic direction and mentorship with an exclusive “inside look” feel – we’ll meet with me once per week for a group call where I’m diving into all things wealth, health, relationships, fulfillment, and more – to help you unlock a 1% lifestyle. Calls will consist of a mix of workshops, co-working, networking, tips and tools.


What’s the time commitment?


We’ll meet one hour each week, and when you join there is a 12-month commitment. If you can’t make our calls live, you can watch the replay at your leisure!

Enter your information below to join the waitlist!