The Choice to Be Happy

Tell me this: Why do we do anything we do? What drives us? What is it in the morning that we wake up seeking for?


[smart_track_player url=”″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”224 Choice to be Happ mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]


You might answer with a host of other words besides happiness to the question above, but I will give you this to consider: in everything we do, we aim to be happy and fulfilled. The greatest gift you can give to both yourself and the people you’re close with is to peaceful, present, joyful, and invested in each moment.


With today’s episode, I hope to inspire you to make the choice to be happy. Society tries to tell us what should make us happy… things like status and possessions. But when you place your happiness in external objects, you lose out.



Remember this: our time on this Earth is limited. Every day you spend unhappy is a day you never get back. You need to give the power back to yourself when it comes to how you feel every single day.


Start with these considerations:

  • What is your ‘core setting’ — aka the state you settle into daily. Are you optimistic? Pessimistic? Anxious?
  • Would altering your core setting serve you? Can something like 10 minutes of gratitude each morning shift your persona?
  • Who holds the power over how you feel? (I’ll give you the answer – it’s you!)



Be the person who doesn’t allow a struggle, misfortune, or tragedy from the past recycle itself over and over in your life. Who takes back the power in their lives. Who makes an impact and serves the world and leaves a legacy.


The choice to be happy is yours.



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