One BIG Life Lesson I had to Learn

unnamed (2)I am going to be vulnerable and share the biggest mistake I made in life during my business journey in the hopes that I can save you TIME, HEARTACHE and MONEY along the way.

It is important to remember that FEAR holds us back in life, whether we want to admit it or not. Moving forward is necessary, as is taking action (even if it isn’t perfect).

My heart had been telling me for almost 5 years that I had a bigger purpose, a higher calling in life. I was successful and making great money but I was totally unfulfilled.

I wanted to live a life that felt totally authentic and rewarding, and I wanted to be happy.

For 5 years I waited and wondered, pondered and prayed and nothing happened.

Then I started feeling bitter and became resentful of the life I was living, which didn’t reflect the kind of life I really wanted and knew I deserved. I looked for signs around me hoping to discover what to do and came up with nothing.

How many people do you know have the same story? They talk a great game, they have tons of talent and potential but they don’t JUST DO IT!

I used to be one of these people. I dreamed big dreams but didn’t know where to start, so I didn’t begin. I thought the stars had to align and it needed to be crystal clear in every way before I “put it out there.” I wasted precious time, money, and energy waiting for someone or something to tell me what to do and how to do it.

That was an epic fail and here is why. Imperfect action is the most important ingredient for entrepreneurial success. Most people have the entire thing backwards. They believe they need to have everything set up and perfectly structured before the clients and income will come rolling in.

Get into action and start connecting with people and over time you will naturally refine, tweak and perfect what your ideal business and life need to consist of.

So moral of the story: Don’t wait for things to be perfect, because you’ll be waiting a lifetime and a day. Start taking imperfect action right now. Stop hoping that one day you will wake up with complete clarity. A loan from the bank won’t do it, money isn’t the answer either. Imperfect action is the key. Just get started because you won’t get the answers, the expertise, the clarity and, ultimately, the results unless you take action and get started.

What you will notice is as soon as you get started taking action, being focused and going after what you really want, the people, circumstances and resources you need will materialize to support you. So if you have something on your heart, a business idea that you have been sitting on or a business you started that you haven’t given your best to, now is the time.

I will also share that the turning point for me was when I finally asked for help, got a mentor, signed up for coaching and made a real commitment to my business. When I was surrounded with other entrepreneurs that were success minded, action takers, I had the support and accountability I needed to keep moving forward. When I joined my first coaching program, just getting my questions answered by someone who had been there and done it all before, cut years off my timeline for success and gave me the confidence to move forward each day.

Life is too short. Live out loud with no regrets. Get started making your dreams become a reality one small step at a time!

If you have been holding back but know you are capable of more, deserve more and are finally ready to take imperfect action to create the life you want, reach out to me to learn how I can help you achieve your goals.

Ready to grab life by the horns? Get an audio fix of motivation and business-building coaching, check out my podcast, Unstoppable Success Radio!